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Spotlight: Abdaljawad Omar

Abdaljawad Omar is a writer, analyst, and lecturer based in Ramallah, Palestine. He currently lectures in the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies at Birzeit University. He has written extensively in Arabic. In English Abboud has contributed to Electronic Intifada, Mondoweiss, and Ebb Magazine among other outlets. He is also a PhD candidate writing on the formations of Palestinian resistance in the Great Intifadas, 1987-2015.

Aside from all his writings and interviews below, you can follow more of his academic writing on or read some of his other writings over on Aboud Hamayel blogspot.

Thanks to The Electronic Intifada and Millennials Are Killing Capitalism for always having great content! You can support Electronic Intifada here and join the Millennials Are Killing Capitalism’s Patreon here).

Academic articles

Arabic writings

More from Abdul-Jawad Omar.

Online articles


Millennials Art Killing Capitalism Live! – Videos

Electronic Intifada – videos (Abdaljawad Omar is also a contributor on Electronic Intifada where he gives great analysis)

Other video interviews & talks